
使公正, 使健康, 使正确的英文

  • set to rights
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
  • 公正:    just; fair; impartial
  • 健康:    health; healthy; physique; s ...
  • 正确:    exactness; correct; right; p ...
  • 使正确:    straighten
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        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        公正:    just; fair; impartial
        健康:    health; healthy; physique; s ...
        正确:    exactness; correct; right; p ...
        使正确:    straighten
        拆毁;毁坏;把身体弄垮;使健康受损:    pull down
        正义, 公平, 公正, 正确, 司法, 审判:    justice
        使健壮:    invigorate
        进一步的研究使我们确信这个结果使正确的:    further study assured us that the result is correct
        使公开:    noise about; uncase
        公正:    1.(公平正直) just; fair; impartial; fair-minded; righteous 公正诚实 play the game; play fair; 公正的裁决 true verdict; 公正的判决 reasonable judgment; 公正的审判 impartial trial; 公正的舆论 fair-minded public opinion; 公正的仲裁人 impartial arbitrator; 问题得到公正解决。 the problem was fairly solved.2.(姓氏) a surname 公正群 gongzheng qun; 公正草 justiceweed; 公正人 referee; umpire
        使正常:    normalize; to have /put sth right
        使正交:    orthogonalize
        使正式:    formalise; formalize
        滋养, 使健壮, 怀有:    nourish
        正确:    exactness; correct; right; proper; rightness; rectitude; validity 正确的立场 a correct stand; 正确的判断 accurate judgement; 正确的政策 sound policy; 正确处理人民内部矛盾 handle correctly the contradictions among the people; 正确对待自己, 正确对待群众 adopt a correct attitude towards oneself and the masses; 正确测定故障 pinpoint the trouble; 正确估计客观形势 accurately appraise the objective situation; 正确性 exactness; correctness; soundness; validity
        使公理化:    axiomatize
        使公式化:    formularize
        使正常化:    calibrated (correct to be standard ) - unstandardized; normalize
        使正式化:    formalize
        使正式结婚:    wed
        使正式就职:    induct
        邪恶天使公司:    evil angel productions
        健康:    1.(生理机能正常) health; healthy; physique; sound; fit 健康成长 grow up healthy and sound; 保持健康 keep fit; 提高健康水平 improve health conditions; 祝你健康。 i wish you good health. 健康胜于财富。 health is better than wealth. 健康乃安心之助。 health administers to peace of mind.2.(情况正常) healthy; wholesome; sound 健康的思想 wholesome thought; sound ideas; 两国关系的健康发展 sound development of relations between the two countries; 情况基本上是健康的。 the situation is basically sound.; 健康保险 health insurance; 健康标准 health standards; 健康带菌者 healthy carrier; 健康水平 general level of the health; 健康素质 physical constitution; 健康证 health certificate; health record; 健康证明书 health certificate; bill of health; 健康状况 state of health; physical condition; situation
        不公正:    injustice 不公正行为 injustice


  1. "使公车地铁一天停止"英文
  2. "使公开"英文
  3. "使公理化"英文
  4. "使公式化"英文
  5. "使公务人员的声誉受损"英文
  6. "使汞齐化"英文
  7. "使共聚合"英文
  8. "使共聚于一点"英文


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